Pharmaceutical raw materials search

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Product Code Product Name Merck Index Cas No Formula Unit Grade
A0613 Strong Ammonia Solution, 27.0~31.0 % 11,513 1336-21-6 H3N 18L NF
A0614 Strong Ammonia Solution, 27.0~31.0 % 11,513 1336-21-6 H3N 200L NF
S3151 Sulfuric Acid, >95.0~98.0 % 7664-93-9 H2SO4 1Kg NF
S3152 Sulfuric Acid, >95.0~98.0 % 7664-93-9 H2SO4 30Kg NF
S3153 Sulfuric Acid, >95.0~98.0 % 7664-93-9 H2SO4 300Kg NF
S1610 Trisodium Citrate, >99.0 % 12,8746 6132-04-3 C6H5Na3O7.2H2O 10kg KP
S1630 Trisodium Citrate, >99.0 % 12,8746 6132-04-3 C6H5Na3O7.2H2O 20kg KP
S1450 Trisodium Citrate, >99.0 % 12,8746 6132-04-3 C6H5Na3O7.2H2O 25kg KP

Reagent Chemicals

  • General Reagents
  • Speciality Reagents
  • Various imported reagents

Equipment and Instruments

We deal with various lab equipment & instruments(crucibles, filters)

  • Whatman
  • Products of other Japanese makers

Synthesis raw materials

About 300 manufactured items(custom-manufacturing offered).

Pharmacentical raw materials

About 150 regular items including over 30 items of surfactents, food additives, cosmetic raw matericals(skin moisturizer), fragrance designs.